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What is Mechanical Link?

What is Mechanical Link?

Mechanical Link is a hands-on therapeutic approach that analyzes the mobility and movement of anatomical structures through the living matrix of connective tissue, the web or net-like system that surrounds, connects and communicates with all parts of the body. Developed in France by Paul Chauffour, D.O. and Eric Prat, D.O., this technique offers a simple, effective way to safely locate and address restrictions in all parts of the body. Because of the intercommunicating properties of the connective tissue system, a restriction in one part of the system can cause symptoms in quite a different part of the body. With Mechanical Link, we don't treat the symptoms; instead, we find and address the root cause of the problem and the symptoms go away as the body heals itself.


Because Mechanical Link is a comprehensive system that addresses all connective tissues and releases restrictions in ways not otherwise possible, each treatment addresses many kinds of problems at once. For example, clients often report that as well as relief from their pain, they notice more energy, a much better outlook on life and better elimination. This could mean more regular bowel movements, easier bladder emptying, or less frequent trips to the bathroom.


What kind of problems can be addressed with Mechanical Link?



Clients who come for ML have often tried many other treatments and therapies without much benefit. Some times they have been in pain for years. People with the following problems have benefited from Mechanical Link:

  • Fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome

  • Back, neck and hip pain

  • Sciatica – pain down the leg

  • Migraine Headaches

  • Tingling, aching hands

  • Painful periods

  • Traumatic injuries, such as whiplash

  • Arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Repetitive strain injuries, i.e carpal tunnel

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Emotional difficulties

  • Indigestion, reflux, digestive issues

  • Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Stress and Tension-Related Problems

  • Stress and urge urinary incontinence

  • Joint pain

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • and more! The limits of what is possible have not been reached.

What is the significance of restrictions?

Mechanical Link

When things don't move, that's a problem. For example, a traffic jam, a line in the grocery store, or stopped-up plumbing. In our bodies, things that don't move have different names; arthritis, bowel obstruction, sciatica, trigger finger, frozen shoulder,... just to name a few.


What I find is that often the symptoms we think of as problems are the body's response to a larger problem of which we're unaware. Usually an old injury, surgery or strain that healed long ago but is still exerting a pull on the entire fascial structure.

How can we locate and address all these numerous restrictions?

How Locate

If your neck hurts, you naturally feel that the problem is in your neck. Most conventional tests and treatments will focus on your neck. However, the root cause may be in the pelvis, the abdomen, or anywhere else, and that place may not be painful at all. With highly developed palpatory skill and in depth anatomical knowledge, the ML therapist uses hundreds of small gentle tests to find restrictions in the body's tissues. and employs a system for ranking those restrictions to identify which need treatment with recoil. It is more helpful to apply only the necessary treatment in exactly the right location, than to do many things, hoping that one of them will work. For example, when a door is sticking, which is smarter - to plane down the edges where it's sticking, or to check the hinges that may be loose? The sticky edges are the symptom, but the loose screws at the hinges are the problem.

What is a Mechanical Link treatment like?

What is ML like
Mechanical Link

There's a butterfly here for a reason. The pressure I use is usually less than one ounce. I'm touching to get information, and it's much easier to get information with a light touch. Clients have made comments like, "I felt like those were my mama's hands touching me." "That's the most thorough examination I've ever had." "I felt like I was in the womb." It can be a blissful experience.

The information I'm looking for is where to apply the treatment, and it's incredibly light when applied. You may not even feel the recoil, or you may feel it in a different part of your body.  However, you WILL feel the changes that occur immediately after.

See the video!

I'm skeptical. How do I know it will help me?


Mechanical Link and its concepts are new to many people. We aren't used to thinking of our bodies in such a holistic way. Over 90% of people who have sought help for a wide range of problems have been surprised and delighted with their results. Trust and patience are important, but 'belief' isn't necessary. Your body's fascial net will respond to the treatment because that's how the structure works; if we release the excess strain in the primary restriction, the whole net rebalances. Babies, young children and animals don't have any beliefs about Mechanical Link, yet the results for them are excellent. 

What do after

What should I do after a session?


I encourage clients to walk after their session, even if it's only around the parking lot before getting into the car. Walking helps to integrate the bodywork. It's best to walk again after you get home, either on a treadmill or outside, if you are able. Those who are unable to walk will still find improvement from ML.


Please don't schedule your first session on the same day as a long car trip or meeting where you will be sitting for many hours. Plan to take it easy for a few days afterward.


You might be sore or fatigued. Occasionally, people are very uncomfortable for a few days after their treatment, possibly in different places than your original complaint. This is a sign that changes have occurred. ML stimulates the body to heal itself, but it does so on its own timetable.

To learn more about Mechanical Link, visit

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