Book an appointment now
for the relief you need.
Healing is a process and takes time.
Back Pain
"I had been unable to get out of bed for three days without excruciating lower back pain. I could only scoot my feet to get to the bathroom and I could not set down.
Because I was so immobile, Nancy came to my residence the same day I called her. She made the necessary changes without causing any pain. She advised me to get up and stir around. I did as she instructed and found I was able to walk without the unbearable pain that I had been experiencing before.
The very next day, I was able to change our king size bed with no problems and did three loads of laundry. I thank The Lord for giving Nancy the ability to utilize her knowledge of Mechanical Link to correct my problem."
Ella Styers, King, NC 2022
Shoulder Pain

"I started having pretty bad shoulder pain several years ago. Being in the healthcare field and knowing some of the best physical therapists and chiropractors around, I figured I could have it taken care of pretty quickly. After about 3 years nothing was working, I was in fairly constant pain, and getting a little concerned. Being a personal trainer and healthcare provider I had done what I could to rehab my shoulder but I would make progress and then slip back. Chiropractic, massage, rehab work, acupuncture and other treatments worked for a short time only. I went to Nancy expecting temporary relief but not a permanent fix. After the first treatment I was pain-free for about 10 days for the first time in years. After the second treatment, the relief lasted about 4 weeks even with heavy weight training. With a third and a fourth treatment my pain has been almost completely resolved for nearly 3 months. I could not be happier. This is a treatment I recommend to anyone who would like to resolve their pain instead of continuing to manage it. Thank you, Nancy, for the work you do and for helping me and so many of my patients."
Jade Teta ND CSCS
Metabolic Effect Inc.
Walking Again!
“I had been seeing Nancy monthly for chronic hamstring pain which had limited my activity, reduced overall function and negatively affected my mood. I had been an active hiker, painter, walker, gardener, swimmer and yoga participant. After the injury, all activities except swimming were cut short or had to be stopped due to pain. It also interfered with my ability to sit, which affected many daily activities. Medication gave short term relief but did nothing to eliminate the unknown cause.
Since I started with Mechanical Link therapy with Nancy, I am consistently walking 2 miles daily and can sit for short periods. Today, I walked up a hill (backwards) for the first time in YEARS. I am able to squat! I am feeling hopeful instead of stuck and look forward to cutting back on pain meds and climbing hills, maybe mountains! And, overall, my headaches are much less frequent.”
Diane H.
“I still have some pain in my back, knees and feet but it is not as severe as it was. I can actually walk with less effort and have been making it a point to walk as much as I can at work.
Usually around 8pm I realize I am worn out and need to go to bed. Very uncharacteristic of me after years of sleeping only 5 hrs per night. I believe that Nancy helped me quite a lot.”
Chip H.
“I walked PAIN FREE twice this week from the wellness center to our house! Everyone who knows me and has watched me walk painfully for over a month has remarked on my 'recovery.'"
Nancy J, Winston-Salem 2018
“After one appointment, I experienced vast improvements in my hips, shoulders and pelvic muscles. After having deep massage work done in previous years on the same areas, I was truly amazed at how much better and easier the results were with this technique. We're lucky to have Nancy here!”
Cindy Castevens 2019
"My left ear had been plugged for six months, and I couldn’t hear. After five months of partial deafness, I tried over-the-counter treatments and even made an appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor that I later canceled.
After my first visit, the ear was no longer blocked. After two treatments, I can’t say enough about what Nancy does. She has me back in balance. That’s a rare thing - not needing to return again and again and again. I don’t understand Mechanical Link fully. Some things in life you just need to trust."
Lynn F.
Greensboro, NC, 2022
Pain Relief
“I was really feeling amazingly great the day after you treated me. All the soreness and weirdness just fell away. The normal aches 24-48 hours later never materialized. That felt really miraculous. Two weeks later, I was still feeling good. I had been having pretty bad pains in the tops of my feet. I don’t think I even mentioned it to you. However, I have now gone nearly 10 days without any sharp stabbing pains. I’ve had the pains for about 18 months. I’ve needed lots of sleep lately.”
- Anonymous
"The first thing I noticed after leaving Nancy’s office was when I sat down in the car both sides of my hips seemed to hit the back of my seat. I hadn't been aware that they didn't before, but it just felt different when I sat down, and then realized the change."
- Anonymous
Cough Is Gone!
"The biggest change is my cough... which I was not expecting. I've had this chronic cough for 2+ years that wakes me up at night and attacks me at various times during the day. I have barely coughed at all since being there, which has been a great relief. I've been to all kinds of specialists and taken all kinds of pills and nasal sprays with no improvement so it didn't cross my mind that Mechanical Link would impact it..... a great surprise!"
- Anonymous
"What Nancy does is remove the obstacles so you can move forward with your life. It frees up your energy so you be who you really are."
Ceri Booth, Winston-Salem, NC